
Movie: ‘The Goldfinch’ Where: Edinburgh Filmhouse Based on the No. 1 International Best Seller By Donna Tartt Directed by: John Crowley Screenplay by: Peter Straughan Starring…. Ansel Elgort, Oakes Fegley, Nicole Kidman….. plus great supporting actors ……………………………………………………………………………………. The movie follows the story of Theodore Dekker who goes through the most awful trauma a young 13

Movie Review

‘The Beguiled’ Director: Sofia Coppola / Cast: Nicole Kidman, Colin Farrell, Kirsten Dunst, Elle Fanning Watched at The Cameo Set in rural Virginia during the Civil War the movie opens with a young girl foraging in the woods collecting mushrooms; she’s startled when she comes across a wounded Yankee soldier, a deserter….. He reassures her